
Sunday, 20 April 2014



So as I said I wanted to start a new project, this one is called #mummyessentialproject :) Which pretty much explains itself, these are the dates and what each week will include:

Week 1
29th April - Furniture (Cots, Changing Tables etc)

Week 2
6th May - Clothing (Baby Suits, Outfits, Bibs etc)

Week 3
13th May - Lotions & Potions (Bath, Bum Rash, Oil etc)

Week 4
20th May - Baby Comfort (Buggies, High Chair etc)

Week 5
27th May - Electrical (Bottles, Sterilisers, Monitors etc)

Week 6
3rd June - Teething (Gel, Soothing Toys etc)

Week 7
10th June - Feeding/Weaning (Food Processers, Plates, Bowls etc)

Week 8
17th June - Toys (0-6 Months, Playmats, Bouncers etc)

It shall run for the above time, I shall be participating from my own blog but there will be a post here every week for you to link your post up too :) Don't forget to use the #mummyessentialproject on Twitter too for another way for others to find you and here is a picture/blog badge for you to put into your posts too:

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Not the best badge in the world so I do apologise but first one I have ever made - proud moment!

I personally think this is great even if you are not becoming a new mum it is great to share real advice and help others :) If you have any questions or if this isn't clear enough please let me know as this is my first project. Also let me know your thoughts on this and hope you can all join in :)

Best Wishes,

Mummy Blogger Team

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant idea, I'll be joining in and hopefully pick up some tips along the way!xx


please no spamming these will be deleted, only leave relevant comments, you are welcome to leave your blog link at the end of a comment - thank you :)